What an inspiration to launch my next blog during the 13th Turtle Moon of Presence in the Tzolkin Harmonic Module spin of 260 days.  It is my favorite of the 13 moons in a 365 day cycle. Tomorrow we will be at the final Kin 260 day of the current Tzolkin spin.  July 7 of 2024 is the birthday of my sister, Janis Vincent. There is prophecy in this date and that will be reviewed in the cosmic history segment that Stephanie South will share with us tomorrow.  More to report on that subject tomorrow.

So the turtle Image is a brief explanation of the time and space that the Native American culture in early years used to track their moons cycles. They were wise and knowledgeable about nature and knew that the turtle was one of the most sacred  of animals.  Lady Jayne, a Loggerhead turtle was introduced to me through synchronicity. I was volunteering at a beachfront seabird sanctuary here in Florida. My volunteer task was to cover the gift shop. One day, a couple and their son visited our gift shop and we had a conversation about a turtle that the son was tracking on an app called Fahlo. After introducing me to this app, I knew that this was a new task I wanted to take on. So I was assigned this loggerhead turtle named Lady Jayne.  Her tracking had begun in 2018 in Jupiter, Florida. My location to beginning tracking was off the coast of Pennsylvania.  Following Lady Jayne became a daily ritual that I’m not only enjoyed but learned so much about the travels of the sacred turtles. The date posted from the tracker was very helpful in seeing how the 24 hour voyages of Jayne took on variations. Mostly she averaged 25 miles a day and most 60 miles overnight.  She continued to head north beyond the banks of Nantucket and the United States.

We were now approaching the summer months and Lady Jayne traveled the seas around Nova Scotia and into the St. John’s waterway.  At one point she crossed land there for several days, but ultimately was in the water again. Was she laying eggs?  No way to be sure.  After an extended period of time, Lady Jayne headed south through the Atlantic Ocean. By the time winter arrived in the United States, Lady Jayne was now touring the waters of the coast of Puerto Rico. She seemed to be very happy circling, and staying in warm waters. By this time I had been tracking her daily for over one year. This made me very happy as the Turtle Conservancy had indicated that her tracker might not remain active for more than a year if that.

Months pass, and while traveling some Northwest, I began to wonder if Lady Jayne was planning on traveling back to where she began her tracking in Jupiter Florida. Additional days indicated that might indeed be true as she swam directly west north of the Puerto Rican coast line for series of days.  Just about the time I was so engaged in this venture home wondering what was next. Then came a series of days, when she was about 20 miles off the coast of Florida that her tracker went out and I was no longer able to track her journey.  After one week, the Turtle Conservancy indicated to me that in fact, her tracker had ended. With this confirmation I began to process what the course of events really meant to me.

While tracking Lady Jayne for the extended time I learned that she had a very consistent pattern of behavior. She most always traveled right at 25 miles in 24 hours and at times apparently with currents she mastered up to 60 miles in 24 hours.  Only once in this extended pattern did her tracker fail for approximately three days. I was thrilled that it was a temporary occurrence. However, in the end, it was definitely a bittersweet fact that while I felt sure that she was safe that I would never have the pleasure of knowing her next adventure in the seas.

The turtle conservancy did offer a replacement turtle for my tracking, which I did agree to the replacement.  Her name was Tello and I did track her up the coast of North Carolina and back out into the Atlantic Ocean for approximately one month then Tello’s tracker, went out to.  My tracking experience had now ended with the many lessons I learned.

It has been a good length of time since the Lady Jayne was in my world. I think of her often and I’m so glad that I did share the experience with friends and family on Instagram and in other social media ways. All turtles remain sacred to me and the turtle days of July 2024 are here again.  They resonate presence in the time/space of Nature.


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